Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Great Migration: Day 3 and 4

Yesterday, December 19th and day 3 of our drive, my computer died in the car, and I was too busy visiting to write where we stopped. We drove from Lincoln, NE to Laramie, WY. I don’t ever want to drive across Nebraska ever again. There was absolutely nothing besides more and more flatness, no towns to even look at, and it smelt bad the entire way (manure). Kansas and Missouri were far more interesting. But! We made it Laramie, WY to stay with the Berry clan. Mike was our campus pastor in Marietta and relocated to WY with his wife, Amber, and two kids, Eli (9) and Savannah (6). We love those guys so much, and Eli and Savannah are the best kids.

If our kids are half as wonderful as Savannah and Eli are, I’m excited to have kids. Eli is the kindest boy, and at 9, without being told, asked if there was anything he could help me with when I was loading up the trunk this morning and enthusiastically carried out lots of stuff for me. Only 9 and is wanting to help and serve others. And he is so smart! His little mind is so curious about the world and it’s fun listening to him talk about all the different interests he has as he gets older. Maybe this is a strange thing to say about a 9-year-old boy, but he is going to be the greatest husband to the luckiest lady someday. Savannah is just the cutest girl, so sweet and cuddly but sassy and funny. She was snuggling with me on the couch but throwing out old jokes at her mom at the same time. Ha! I also love that they are both really tech savvy, knowing how to use any and all Apple products, but yet last night they still asked to play cards and a board game. I think that is a great attestation to how great their parents are. Sorry to get all sappy, but just what a relief to see a healthy family together amidst the craziness of this world. Seth and I listen to a news podcast (most) every morning by a guy named Al Mohler, and he often talks about the latest dismal statistics and studies of broken homes and the demise of families in this era. Sometimes after listening I just feel hopeless, but spending time with the Berry family reminds me that God is redeeming families.

So anyways, it was a great visit yesterday. Today, day 4, we are headed west on I-80 through the rest of Wyoming, swinging down by Salt Lake City, and then up to Boise as the final destination today!!!! My big sis and brother-in-law are in Boise, and I am so thankful to have a solid break from long driving days to spend Christmas with them. Between finishing up school, studying, taking boards, packing, and moving, Seth and I haven't had a little break for months and months, every weekend occupied with something so this is long overdue staycation and family time. Just 471 more miles to go today…

PS. 60 miles outside of Boise it started POURING down rain, where the straps that hold the car top carrier enter the car started leaking profusely all over me, Seth, and the animals, and we got delayed behind 2 wrecks. Today we experience 50+ mph winds, fog, snow, sleet, and rain. A perfectly sunny morning in Wyoming turned into road trip from hell an hour from our destination. However, I am very happy to be sitting on Rach and Nic’s couch, eating all their food, and snuggling their dog.

Coop being extra cute in our hotel in Lincoln, NE, ready to go the following morning.

The only interesting thing to see the entire trek across Nebraska.

Animal cuteness.

Welcome to Wyoming!

Sophie helping Seth navigate.

SAFEWAY!!!!! :D Now we are getting close to the west coast!

More animal cuteness.

Pit stop in Wyoming.

Geology in Utah.

Utah is beautiful. I-80 West.


Finally made it to Boise and Coop met his fur-cousin, Griffey, for the first time.

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