Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Great Migration: Day 2

So we drove from Kentucky to Nebraska today. 14 hours of travel. After getting the car all repacked, animals situated, and breakfast and caffeine purchased, we were on the road west bound at 7:30AM Eastern Standard Time, and here we are in Lincoln, Nebraska at 9:20PM Central Time. I. Am. Tired. But! The key to success? As Seth says: “Very regimented breaks.” We stop every 2.5 hours whether we need to or not, 15 minutes for small breaks, 30 minutes for lunch. Get out, potty breaks for everyone, and snacks are bought or retrieved from the trunk.  This really has helped me actually. It’s kind of how I run long distances. When you break it up into chunks with smaller individual goals, whether it be sit for 2.5 more hours until I get to get out or run at X pace until I get to mile marker Y, it makes it much more manageable. However, no matter how many regimented breaks you have, driving in the dark sucks. The last few hours were BRUTAL.

So thoughts for today: if anyone ever wishes pain and suffering on me, make me live in the middle of the United States. We have driven through the rest of Kentucky, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, across Missouri, up through Kansas, and landed in Nebraska, and there is one unifying theme: flat. FLAT FLAT FLAT and small shrubby bushes of trees. This topography does not sustain happiness for Monica. Nope. No way jose. But! There is snow on the ground! It’s getting colder as we get farther west, and I do like that.

So Day 2. Lexington, Kentucky to Lincoln, Nebraska. Animals are still coping well. Our hotel is pretty clean for being an animal friendly hotel. Glad to be done with the mid-west. Onward to Laramie, WY tomorrow to see the Berry family!

Coop doing what Coop does best.

Sophie finally realizing the most stable, comfortable place for her is in her carrier.

 Coop ready for a break!

Illinois border!

 Long walk at lunch time.

Arches in St. Louis, MO

Whew. Look at all that distance traveled today!

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