Monday, September 29, 2014

First World Problems Whine Session

It’s been awhile since I’ve written. I haven’t been feeling that inspired. More like

impatient and frustrated.
Those are more accurate verbs to describe how I’ve been feeling.

 Impatient: I have 73 days until I graduate. Hopefully not too long after that will start working. I am so ready to start my dream career in a field I love in a profession that is changing the health care world as we know it. I am impatiently waiting for the day that I have a paycheck, and I don’t have to strategically plan my driving because I need an 1/8 tank of gas to last me another 2 weeks. We had tacos the other night, and we like sour cream on our tacos, but I didn’t get it because it would have put me over budget. I just want to be able to buy sour cream people!

Frustrated: About stuff and money. Stupid, I know. But the Honda is broken down at the mechanic when we have no funds to fix it let alone get another car (which is really what we need to do), feeling overwhelmed by students loans but the alternative was simply just not going, and most of my wardrobe is clothes I’ve had since I was 18/19 years old. I’m about to start interviewing for one of the fastest growing, highest valued careers in the country, and I have nothing to wear. So yes, I am frustrated about this. Everyone always says that once Seth and I are out of this phase of life, “you’ll appreciate it so much more then people who have been handed everything.” No. All this is going to do is make me the most calloused, unempathetic parent on the planet when my kids are trying to make their way in the world. I already feel sorry for them for my lack of sympathy. 

So what can I do about this? We’re reading through Hebrews at Bible study this semester. Hebrews Ch. 5:7-8  says “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered…”

This is referring to the night before Jesus was crucified. That night he was in the garden of Gesthsemane asking God ‘Father if you are willing, may this cup be taken for me.’ Aka: I’m feeling just a tad stressed out about my imminent crucifixion tomorrow. If there is another way for the world’s sins to be atoned for, now would be an ideal time to intercede and take this responsibility from me if it is your will to do so.

What have I learned from this? We are not exempt from suffering. Even the only sinless person to ever walk to earth was subjected to great suffering. And the only right way to migrate through periods of suffering is to reverently submit to God’s will and be obedient. What happens when you do? Well Jesus conquered death and saved the world. I’d say that’s a pretty good outcome.

So what do I need to do? Endure sour-creamless tacos, find a way to make my current clothes suitable for interviews, and fervently pray for the Honda (You all can too. It needs it). Oh, and realize how ridiculous the things I’m frustrated about are. 

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