Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Woes of the Lower 48

Lots of talk of how cold it is here in the lower 48, and I do agree that it is in fact, really cold! Twenty degrees in OH or VA feels colder then 0 degrees at home in Alaska. I personally think it's due to humidity differences. The cold here is a damp, wet cold that gets in your bones. At home it's really dry so it doesn't take much to get warm again. Lots of people say to Seth and I 'oh you must be used to this.' Although I am loving every second of this cold weather, nobody is 'used to it.' We just know how to deal with it, and it has become clear to me as I observe people in public that they do not know how to deal with it. So here are some tips:

#1. WEAR A COAT PEOPLE. Many people say, but I do wear a coat! No, your North Face fleece doesn't count. Your single layer cotton pea coat doesn't count either. I mean A COAT. Speaking of layers, Seth had on a tshirt, long sleeve, and flannel the other day even under his coat. LAYERS are also key, and if you don't have a real coat, more layers!

#2. Zip up said coat. This seems like a no brainer, but we went to the movies the other day and as I was waiting inside for Seth to get the tickets at the ticket booth outside, I watched a handful of people walk in and every single one said 'oh my gosh! it's so cold outside!' What else did these people have in common? They had on a coat but it wasn't zipped up! Of course you're cold, you dumby! You're basically just wearing a tshirt because you don't have on layers and your coat is wide open flappin in the wind!

#3. Socks. Ladies, if your feet are cold, you are going to be cold. Flats are not appropriate right now. Put on a pair of socks and real shoes or boots. The thicker and longer, the better.

#4. Fill the cracks. Put on a scarf and maybe even gloves so that wind isn't getting into your coat.
Also, cute-stylish hats aren't real hats. Doesn't cover your ears? Not a real hat. Isn't made out of wool or cotton? Not a real hat either. Doesn't form to the shape of your head? Nope, not real.

#5. Start your car 10-15 minutes before you leave in the morning and turn up the heat. Your car will be toasty warm when you're ready to leave.

I don't mean to make fun of you, my beloved lower 48 friends, but this is silliness! It's one thing to just not like the cold. I totally get it. I have a friend who despises the cold but loves to sweat in 100 degrees, which is what I despise. But although I did not grow up in 100 degrees, I know better then to put on a sweatshirt and jeans in that weather, just like you shouldn't wear flats and only a little sweater when it is 10 degrees outside.

Love Always,
Your friendly neighborhood Alaskan

PS. The news is ridiculous. You are not going to get frostbite. I walked to the bus stop, probably a mile away, many times as a *gasp* 1st/2nd grader with my big sister in Homer, Alaska, when it was dark outside, the temperature was 0 or below, in who knows how many inches of snow, and even waited at the bus stop. Granted I had on the whole gamete of snow gear, but my face was exposed and my nose, cheeks, eyeballs, and lips are in tact to this day. Lots of us did this and are just fine, and you will be too as you sprint from your house to the car and then your car into school/work.

PPS. You can make fun of me in a few months when it's back up to the 80s-100s, and I'm complaining.

1 comment:

  1. You're funny :) Very true. However, it's sad but a good number of the people I come into contact with on these cold days don't have access to any of these things :-/ So I understand the delays and cancellations even though they are driving me cray cray.
