Friday, August 15, 2014

Life Without an Oven, Orthopedics, and Other Things

So we moved. Again. This is the 3rd place we’ve lived in the last 2 years. We moved at the end of July because our housemates relocated to Charlotte, NC and we couldn't stay in that big house by ourselves. If you didn’t know, Seth and I were sharing a house with two of our best friends, another married couple. We met them at our first apartment in Roanoke, and we all decided May 2013 we were paying way too much in rent and utilities, so we split a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house for almost a year and a half. And it was fun! And I miss them! And our house! But anyways, God has taken them to Charlotte and for us provided a great connection here in a cute 1 bedroom finished basement apartment with an awesome walk out patio. The two things I love most about this place: the central AC and the bathroom fan (not for the reason you’re thinking). It doesn’t matter if you take a freezing cold shower and the window is wide open; without that fan the bathroom is 80-90 degrees and the humidity is 200% (100% humidity outside + 100% humidity from my shower = 200%. That’s how that works, right??). My hair stands no chance, and you think you’ve just done a poor job drying yourself off but in reality you just haven’t stopped sweating. These Virginia summers are much more bearable with those two things. The only catch is we don’t have an oven, but I haven’t missed it actually. We didn’t use the ones in our old places a lot anyways just because the house would be 150 degrees instead of 100 if the oven was on since we didn’t have central air. So we have adjusted. Lots of crock pot meals and grilling on the George Foreman. No biggy. Other great thing: it’s furnished (with way nicer stuff then we had I might add) so we sold EVERYTHING. Come December and it’s time to load up the car and drive to Seattle, it won’t be nearly the chore. One last thing: there’s a piano in our living room. So instead of studying orthopedics I bought a great beginners piano book and have been learning. I have loved learning to play, and I love the fan and AC. And the walk in closet. And the giant comfy leather couch. And the fireplace. And the big windows…

But you know what I don’t love? Orthopedics. Matter of fact, I actually really despise it. I knew I wasn’t going to like it, but I detest it much more then I had originally predicted. Send me over to the ICU to interpret labs, ventilator settings, and EKGs, but have mercy and don’t make me hold a retractor all day while bones are hammered and sawed on.  Not that people in orthopedics aren’t intelligent, because let me tell you those people know their anatomy like nobody else does, but this specialty isn’t the most intellectually challenging. It’s more resembling of carpentry, which is an entire different set of skills I don’t have and don’t really care to have either. So anyways, I’ve been suffering through a month of this after having the greatest rotation of my life last month in infectious disease. I could write for days on how much I loved infectious disease, and it felt exactly where I was supposed to be, but I won’t because then I might start crying.

We also just had our 4 year wedding anniversary. Hurray! J It has been a wild ride as we are working on getting our lives set up, but it has been fun and I can’t imagine doing it without Seth. Sometimes I get bogged down mentally thinking about our unreliable cars, student debt, the fact we’ve eaten the same thing for 2 weeks in a row because it’s cheap, etc., but Seth’s Great Aunt Karen and Uncle Lou were driving through Roanoke earlier this week and we spent an evening with them, and they were such a great beacon of encouragement. They got married in the middle of college also, and were so super broke that Aunt Karen said one year for their anniversary, they went to the grocery store, picked out cards for each other, exchanged them right there in the aisle, read them, gave each other a smooch, then put them back and went home. HAHA! And you know what, they’ve had an awesome life. They’ve been all over the world (granted that’s a little easier considering Uncle Lou is retired CIA), travel a ton now, have great relationships with their family, don’t eat ramen every night, and look back on the early years of their marriage and parenthood spent completely poor with a lot of love and laughter. (Btw, they also found out they were having twins half an hour before Karen delivered them. Can you imagine?).  This time in our life may not be the most glamorous, but I have somebody I love so much that all I do all evening is anxiously wait for him to get home and get fired up when something delays him coming home because I have just missed him all day and want him home right this second!! (…after he makes a detour to the store because I had to have cookies)

So that’s life right now. The Lord continues to provide on all fronts. Wonderful people to encourage us, an ideal living situation, and yet another wonderful year of marriage that as usual, I can’t possibly imagine that I could love Seth anymore then I do now without just bursting but our anniversary will come again and I’m sure that I will be proved wrong yet again. <3

The animals enjoying our new patio. Yes, Sophie is on a leash. I agree, it is ridiculous. But when we drive across the country with her, what are we supposed to do!? She doesn't totally hate it, just mostly.

Seth looking super handsome on the way to our anniversary dinner.

Dinner at the River and Rail House, Roanoke, VA. Seth's response to this picture: "Wow. It's like we actually look like adults or something!" Lol!

So amazing. 

Post-meal coffee at Mill Mountain Coffee with Auntie Karen

Auntie Karen and Uncle Lou stopped by on their drive back to Nevada from Northern VA!