Monday, May 5, 2014

Mother's Day Woes

 I should be studying platelets and the coagulation cascade (how our body forms clots) right now. This seems to be the bread and butter of cardiothoracic surgery; maintaining a perfect balance of not causing your patient to bleed spontaneously but also keep them from forming clots and causing strokes, pulmonary emboli, etc. post operation. But I got up at 4:45 this morning, worked 10 hours today, cleaned, and ran 3 miles. So I’d rather write something else. It’s about to get personal up in here.

Mother’s Day. It’s coming up this Sunday. Holidays like this are meant to be celebrated, but with them comes lots of baggage and awkwardness. Me for example: I don’t have a mom. Many people know this. Without going into too many details, basically since I was 11-12ish I haven’t had one. Starting around age 11, mom was in and out with lots of ugliness in between ultimately resulting in my dad officially a single parent by the time I was 15. Some people (insensitive ones might I add) say “well it’s not like you were a baby when she left.” Right. She was only the most abusive and then completely absent during very pivotal times of growth and development into a young adult. That’s much better. Thanks @$$hole (sorry, but sometimes dingleberry just doesn’t cut it for a noun).

 So anyways. back to Mother’s Day. I always have mixed feelings about this holiday. I am not upset or angry at my mom for what happened anymore. But it’s just so dang sad! It weighs heavy on my heart that she is missing out on my sister and I’s life. It makes me sad that my poor dad had to go through the loss of a marriage and also carry the great task of dealing with 2 pre-teen/teenage girls on his own. It also makes me wonder what the future holds for me as I become a mom one day and the fact I just don’t really know what that looks like.

But in the midst of all this yuckiness, there are lots of wonderful mom/female figures in my life. First of all, my Gram. Grandma Gloria is actually my maternal grandmother, but she has always and is a huge part of my life regardless that my mom is no longer part of my life. My mom’s entire side is actually fairly dysfunctional, but my Gram is the kindest, gentlest woman on this planet and always rescuing everybody. She truly is the matriarch that holds the universe together. Not to mention, how many 81 year olds do you know still fish, pick berries, and camp in the wilderness of Alaska? Then there is wonderful Holly, Dad’s fiancĂ©. Holly has been around for, what seems like, forever, and her and Dad made the transition of joining our families very gracefully. She is everything I could ever want for my dad, and everything I would want for a step-mom. There’s also Elizabeth, my mother-in-law, who since Seth and I started dating back in high school has welcomed me into their family as one of her and Rob’s own. So am I sad about my mom? Yes, but quite frankly, my dad is a better mom then some moms are and I have so many wonderful women in my life.

So this Mother’s Day, lets celebrate all kinds of motherly love we receive from all kinds of people. <3